Scanning your medical records doesn’t just help your medical practice go paperless, but is also key to the success of your document retention policy. Scanning past and present records also saves space, makes files easy to find and share, provides secure HIPPA compliance, and saves time and money.
Going Paperless Saves More Than Paper
When you calculate and total the costs of paper, ink, office supplies, filing cabinets, and labor hours that are no longer necessary by going paperless, the total savings can be over $1,000 per employee per year. The space once used as file storage can now become a functional place to better serve your patients, maybe even a new patient care room.
No More Filing
Say goodbye to filing, misfiling, refiling, lost files, and everything associated with filing papers. Create electronic patient files that you can find, sort, and search in seconds. When files need to be released to other physicians the process is faster and easier than ever. Your new EHR system is HIPPA-compliant and you will be able to track document retention with accuracy.
Search By Multiple Fields
No more flipping through paper files to find what you are looking for as you can easily search your electronic files by name, date, prescription, diagnosis, and a long list of relevant filters. This makes it particularly convenient when you have shared files from other physicians whose form layouts are unfamiliar.
Improved Record Security
Every document retention policy includes security measures which are rapidly improved when you start scanning your files. Once uploaded to your new EHR, files are encrypted and access can be tiered, limiting access to patient files only to those who require full access to sensitive patient information.
Combined with a full service patient portal you can email clients securely and empower them to schedule their appointments electronically. Contact IRCH today to learn more about document retention for your healthcare facility.