Safeguarding the insurance industry.

Since insurance in the US is mostly regulated at the state level, this module contains over 4,000 laws for records from all states and territories, plus a few requirements at the federal level. Included are records requirements for advertising, agents, policies, claims, actuarial, underwriting, reinsurance, third-party administration, and exams. Also, records for specific insurance lines such as accident, disability, life, auto, general liability, health, property, casualty, and more.

The Retention Manager version of the module provides access to insurance legal research for all 50 states.  The Retention Wizard version offers access based on the number of purchased state modules and the selected states.

The module also offers a default general record series that can be expanded by selecting from over 60 pre-defined records, all linked to retention period and legal research. Specific lines of insurance can be selected and jurisdictions with no insurance business excluded. Finally, all the record series’ subjects, text, and retention can be customized to meet any unique requirements.




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