Donald S. Skupsky, JD, CRM, FAI, MIT

Complete presentation by Donald S. Skupsky JD CRM FAI, President of Information Requirements Clearinghouse. Presented at the ARMA 2014 International Conference in San Diego, October, 2014.
The presentation of the webinar, What You Need to Know and Do in Response to Changes in the Law, with transcript and presentation PDF, is available for viewing.
Please click here to view the webinar.
Portion of transcript:
…In my practice I constantly deal with legal departments, lawyers and releases of new laws and legal research and I occasionally go online and read some of the articles that have been written about these provisions. I am generally horrified by what is being written by attorneys who know absolutely nothing about the records management issues in these laws. I’m sure you encountered the same sort of problem.
Just because somebody is an attorney doesn’t mean they know anything about laws affecting records management. In fact, there are many of you in this room who know a whole lot more. Just so you know where I’m coming from, besides being a lawyer and licensed in Colorado, I went to law school. We didn’t spend one minute of three years discussing records management issues, records retention, legal requirements for electronic imaging which didn’t exist. Legal requirements for microfilm didn’t exist at that time. Oh, some of you do remember microfilm. I may come to a slide and we’ll see if you remember the topic of that slide and that will really show you your age…
I have selected a few laws, there can be many more but I tried to pick a couple that were basically things that most people had to deal with. There are Dodd Frank and Gramm Leach Bliley and things you may have heard but that’s a more limited audience and I elected to avoid those…
Sarbanes-Oxley is an oldie but goodie. Not so old but a goodie is the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act that many of you have to deal with. ERISA is the employment retirement income security act. I apologize for using the abbreviation, which will be spelled out in the later slide and the uniform electronic transaction act. There such misconceptions as to what you can or cannot do…