When an Attorney is hired for a case, they are hired based on their experience with the specific type of case they are trying. While the Attorney is experienced in that area of law, they will not be able to explain details on industry specific guidelines. When a case requires specialized knowledge, an expert witness will be consulted. These professionals can be retained by an attorney or law firm to present specialized knowledge to the court. They are subject matter experts whose explanations about industry standards, legal requirements, and operations can help jurors better understand complex details in a case.

Expert Witnesses Are Impartial Educators

Professional and well-spoken, an expert witness is there to inform a court about a topic. They have no personal connection to the case itself, nor are they invested in its outcome. Therefore, they serve as the ideal, unbiased third-party to offer valuable insight about a particular subject.

Expert witnesses explain complex legal requirements in everyday terms; they draw connections from their area of expertise to reality, making information more relatable to jurors.

For example, an expert witness in healthcare records can explain the legal regulations surrounding medical recordkeeping, destruction, and retention.

An Expert Witness Does Not Have to Be an Expert on the Case

Because they are not directly involved with anyone in the courtroom, expert witnesses are there solely to provide background information that can support a legal argument. Their professional demeanor is approachable and trustworthy; their communication style makes it easier for a jury to understand the nuances of a case.

In fields such as manufacturing or healthcare, the public are not generally informed of legal practices and regulations. In court, an expert witness can provide the insider information they need to better recognize what type of case they are facing, and whether or not a crime has been committed.

Overall, expert witness services can help practicing attorneys better assist their clients, and provide valuable, industry-specific information to the court. Contact IRCH today to learn more about our expert witness services and how they may benefit your case.

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