Easy Ways to Improve Records Management in Any Office

by | Nov 25, 2014 | Electronic Records, Green Business Practices, Retention Articles and Information

File classification is an important part of your company’s record management system. Long retrieval time, missing or lost files are signs of filing system deficiencies. If these situations ring a bell on your mind, this means that you are using your existing resources inefficiently and may result to lost business opportunities.

Records management system is not as complicated as most people think. There are several options that can help businesses and organizations improve how they manage their records. Here are some of them.

Use color-coding

If you are starting to misplace records or files are starting to pile up, it might be best to develop and implement a new file classification system as soon as possible. If you put it off, you may risk facing lawsuits and costly fines due to non-compliance with record laws.Piles of paper

A color-coded system makes it easier for you to identify files from a distance, spot and correct errors quickly and find files faster. Plus, it allows you to define and associate colors with different types of data in a file label.

Set a retention schedule

Retention schedule is often used as a basis as to where and how long files are stored, when they are archived and when they should be destroyed.

In addition to that, implementing a retention schedule will help you reduce files in your office by moving inactive records offsite, makes archiving retrieval easier and establish a system for handling all the files. If you don’t already have a retention schedule, now is the best time to have it in place.

Understand your needs

You keep your files and documents for a reason. They help you perform day-to-day functions, serves as evidence during a lawsuit and proof during an audit. That being said, you need a record management system that is as streamlined and functional as your record keeping process.




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