Expert Witness Services
IRCH has extensive knowledge, skills, education, training, and experience in providing a variety of expert witness services for law firms and attorneys.

Expert Witness Services
IRCH has extensive knowledge, skills, education, training, and experience in providing a variety of expert witness services for law firms and attorneys.

Destruction of Records
We review the company’s records destruction and determine whether it conforms to accepted standards, legal requirements, and legal norms. IRCH offers the destruction of records as a part of our expert witness services to ensure legal requirements of retention documents are met. Developing a record destruction policy is critical to the success of your business or organization because keeping records longer than required by law can be damaging to the reputation of your business or organization.

Records Retention Schedule
When a retention schedule has been properly implemented, we provide expert testimony on national standards, legal retention requirements, consistency, business needs and more. A records retention schedule is a process that involves how long data related to the organization should be kept and what data should be discarded. At IRCH, we provide retention software that can organize a records retention schedule that expresses when and how the data is no longer relevant for the company should be destroyed.

Electronic Imaging and Reproductions
We examine the procedures followed for reproducing records using electronic imaging, microfilming, or other techniques, and whether they conform to national standards and accepted norms. Electronic imaging is part of our expert witness services that involves the conversion of paper documents into electronic images. This process is designed to be a comprehensive analysis of signatures, writings, and retention documents to ensure the safety and security of your organization.

Records and Information Management
We examine any other aspects of the records and information management program to determine the effectiveness of procedures, the accuracy of information and conformance with national standards and norms. IRCH offers a records management program that involves the creation of a complete inventory of all records, developing a record retention schedule, and more. We are pleased to provide a records management program that focuses on the progression of an organization by determining the most optimal way to manage records.