Product and Service Comparison
RESEARCH | Retention Wizard | Retention Manager |
General business records for Unites States federal, states, and territories | X | includes special industries for federal |
Citations analyzed and indexed for retention jurisdiction, industry, source and applicable text | X | X |
Ambiguous research lacking specific retention are assigned best practice retention periods | X | X |
Legal research includes legal considerations addressing statutes of limitations | X | X |
Industry-specific templates with records and research available | X | |
Research-specific modules for insurance and international available | X | |
Assign legal research to existing or new record categories | X | X |
Define research scope through jurisdiction selection | X | X |
Search legal research by multiple criteria including industry, source, jurisdiction and text | X | X |
Customize default legal research | X | |
Add custom legal research | X | |
Over 400 general business records categories to select | X | X |
Record categories include detailed descriptions, coding, retention periods with supporting research | X | X |
View supporting legal research for each record category | X | X |
Customize records category descriptions and retention periods | X | X |
Industry-specific templates with records and research available | X | |
Organize record series by departments | X | |
Modify/edit default record series | X | X |
Add organization-specific record series | X | |
Office of Record function for tracking original records and copies | X | |
Default retention schedule addresses up to 80% of your general business records | X | X |
Assigned retention periods based on best practice and industry expertise | X | X |
Included Retention Rules can be used as a Big Bucket retention schedule | X | |
Legal Retention period based on legal research requirements | X | X |
Legal Consideration period on optional research that may impact retention | X | |
Professional reports included for distributing retention schedule by print or PDF | X | X |
Print individual citations for documentation | X | X |
Checklist report for quick inventory of records used in the organization | X | |
Custom reports can be developed on a consulting basis | X | |
Organize and print separate retention schedules by department | X | |
Export retention reports to spreadsheets, document or database formats | X | X |
Extensive reporting showing relation between legal research and retention schedule | X | |
Consulting Services available for customization / schedule development / updating | X | X |
Tutorial Videos | X | X |
Online Training available with experienced instructors | X | |
Onsite training information available by request | X | |
OTHER | ||
Windows 10 Compatible | X | X |
Interfaces with content or record management systems | X | |
Annual subscriptions provide regular program and data updates with technical support during the year | X | X |
Professional support staff to assist with questions and challenges | X | X |
PLUS CONSULTING SERVICES | Retention Wizard | Retention Manager |
A suite of custom services to help establish and maintain optimal compliance with your records retention schedule | X | |
Individual or group training on how to integrate Retention Manager functionality in your organization | X | |
Import and adapt your current retention schedule using the Retention Manager legal database and record series | X | |
Supplement the default legal database with additional custom and international legal research | X | X |
On-going training for new users of Retention Manager to ensure uniform transition of retention schedule procedures and maintenance | X | |
Integrate Retention Manager with your Electronic Content Management or Records Inventory systems | X | |
Update your retention schedule on a scheduled or request basis | X | |
Let’s discuss the best case scenario for your record retention needs and business environment.
Product Comparison
RESEARCH | Retention Wizard | Retention Manager |
Over 20,000 retention citations and regulations in our published databases | 13,000 citations & regulations | X |
Citations analyzed and indexed for retention jurisdiction, industry, source and applicable text | X | X |
Ambiguous research lacking specific retention are assigned best practice retention periods | X | X |
Legal research includes legal considerations addressing statutes of limitations | X | X |
Industry-specific templates with records and research available | X | |
Research-specific modules for insurance and international available | X | |
Assign legal research to existing or new record categories | X | X |
Define research scope through jurisdiction selection | X | X |
Search legal research by multiple criteria including industry, source, jurisdiction and text | X | X |
Customize default legal research | X | |
Add custom legal research | X | |
Over 400 general business records categories to select | X | X |
Record categories include detailed descriptions, coding, retention periods with supporting research | X | X |
View supporting legal research for each record category | X | X |
Customize records category descriptions and retention periods | X | X |
Industry-specific templates with records and research available | X | |
Organize record series by departments | X | |
Modify/edit default record series | X | X |
Add organization-specific record series | X | |
Office of Record function for tracking original records and copies | X | |
Default retention schedule addresses up to 80% of your general business records | X | X |
Assigned retention periods based on best practice and industry expertise | X | X |
Included Retention Rules can be used as a Big Bucket retention schedule | X | |
Legal Retention period based on legal research requirements | X | X |
Legal Consideration period on optional research that may impact retention | X | |
Professional reports included for distributing retention schedule by print or PDF | X | X |
Print individual citations for documentation | X | X |
Checklist report for quick inventory of records used in the organization | X | |
Custom reports can be developed on a consulting basis | X | |
Organize and print separate retention schedules by department | X | |
Export retention reports to spreadsheets, document or database formats | X | X |
Extensive reporting showing relation between legal research and retention schedule | X | |
Consulting Services available for customization / schedule development / updating | X | |
Tutorial Videos | X | X |
Online Training available with professional Retention Manager instructors | X | |
Onsite training information available by request | X | |
OTHER | ||
Windows 7 / 8 / 10 Compatible | X | X |
Interfaces with content or record management systems | X | |
Program and data update provided three times annually | X | X |
Professional support staff to assist with questions and challenges | X | X |
Plus Consulting Services
PLUS CONSULTING SERVICES | Retention Wizard | Retention Manager |
A suite of custom services to help establish and maintain optimal compliance with your records retention schedule | X | |
Individual or group training on how to integrate Retention Manager functionality in your organization | X | |
Importing and adapting your current retention schedule using the Retention Manager legal database and record series | X | |
Supplement the default legal database in Retention Manager with additional custom legal research | X | |
On-going training for new users of Retention Manager to ensure uniform transition of retention schedule procedures and maintenance | X | |
Integrating Retention Manager with your Electronic Content Management or Records Inventory systems | X | |
Updating your retention schedule on a scheduled or request basis | X | |
Additional and standalone service options are available | X | |
Online-training for Retention Manager | ||
On-site training | ||
Seminar/Webinar Speaker |
Let’s discuss the best case scenario for your record retention needs and business environment.
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